Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!

Thursday, 31 December 2015

See Ya 2015, Hello 2016. Hello To The New Year

So??? Can you believe 2016 is already here? I mean like woaaahhhhh slow down! I remember starting 2015 and thinking it will be the best year ever! 
This year just like every year was a roller coaster ride, but I would say a good one. I lost some things and gained better instead, like they say old things need to go for better things to be replaced. I am thankful for everything that has happened, it has made me become stronger as a person and know myself better. The only thing I wish for everyone is...

My Wish For The New Year 
2016 just Believe That Good Things Are On Their Way

~Again, I...
I Wish You All A Happy New Year

New Year Resolution: The one thing I hope to achieve is make more time for reading books, I am terrible at it. 

Does anyone have any new year resolutions? What are some of things that you guys would like to accomplish in 2016? Dream big, always fight for your dreams and never let anyone tell you cannot do anything. You can be anything and do anything that makes you happy. Always stay true to yourself! :)



  1. What a fantabulous post this has been. Never seen this kind of useful post. I am grateful to you and expect more number of posts like these. Thank you very much. Goodbye April Welcome May

    1. oh wow, thank you so much! Your comment made my day, that is very sweet of you to say.
      Thank you for taking the time and reading my posts it means the world to me. Have a great day!


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